Where to Begin? – Our 2023 New Year’s Letter


Where to begin? To say that 2022 was an eventful year for our family would be a huge understatement!

In March we lost my nephew. He was hit by two cars while crossing the street. The two young men who took his life were drag racing and are due to learn their fates in court in February.

In April I passed the five-year mark in my time as a full-time teacher at HG Lewis on the campus of Wyndham Lawn Home in Lockport, NY.

For the first time in five years I did not work summer school. I took the summer off so that we could spend a month in North Dakota with Andrea’s family, and I took advantage of the down time to finally finish my novel. It’s currently in the proofreading stage and I hope to have it available on Amazon before the end of January.

And that’s not all! As a family, we have started a couple of other writing projects that we hope to put out there. Evan and I have put together a children’s book that utilizes his photography skills and his imagination in creating his own characters to tell a story that we hope will help kids learn some basic Bible principles. And Andrea has begun work on the first in a series of kids’ devotionals. Both projects will be edited by myself. I have also begun the first chapter of my second novel, which I am hoping to turn into a trilogy. Stay tuned!

Also this year, we have dealt with the devastaion of watching one church implode as a result of sinful and abusive behavior by its leadership, and another church close its doors. These events took a direct toll on us through the effects on extended family, but through it all, God has been good, as He always is. We have now settled in at Faith Bible Baptist Church in Medina, NY where I have previously been a member, and where we are rebuilding our faith and ministering as God leads, most notably in the music ministry.

As our precious friends and family, we hope you will pray with us as we all navigate the new year together. Please let us know what specific needs you have which we can keep in prayer as well.

To God Be the Glory!

Happy New Year

The Lawton Family

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