Much Needed Rest


Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.           Matthew 11:28-30

As a young mom, I know that you start to think you will never sleep again.  Sleep deprivation and little people go together.  But life has a way of robbing us of more than just sleep.  It taught me not to trust.  It taught me to fear.   Rest for our souls is available, though, as we learn of Him.  I have experienced the truth of this verse as I have studied who Jesus is.  I can trust Him through the trials where I couldn’t before.  I can rest in His character  when I don’t understand.  As David often did in the Psalms, I can go back to what I know about who God is when everything is going wrong and I just don’t understand.  I’ve found rest to my weary soul in Christ.

After He tells us to learn of Him, He tells us a little about Himself.  He is meek and lowly in heart.  I looked up meek. It means mild, gentle and humble.  I looked up lowly in heart and it means not rising far from the ground, of low degree, or lowly in spirit; serving others.  I was reminded of the story of Jesus having a woman taken in adultery brought to Him.  He didn’t respond as the others in judgment and finger pointing.  He didn’t look down on her.  He stooped and wrote on the ground.  After he redirected the men judging her to their own sin, he forgave her and said go and sin no more.  The creator of the universe stooped down to sinful mankind to free them from sin.

If you have never come to Him, Jesus says come, you can find rest for your souls.  Most importantly is in salvation;  Come to Him for righteousness.  Stop labouring to be good enough.  He will give you His perfection if you turn from sin and self to Him.  If life has taught you not to trust, learn of Him.  Study His character and you will find Him trustworthy.  The best people let us down, but God has never let me down.  Come to Him tired Moms.  He can meet your every need. Rest is available in Him.

2 Replies to “Much Needed Rest”

    1. So true. Illness is a great testing ground for God’s comfort and faithfulness, etc. I’ve found Him faithful and true and a wonderful comforter. I know you’ve had much opportunity to do the same. Hope you are done with treatments and well going forward dear friend. You are a blessing.

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