If Not Trump, then Who?


Donald Trump is so loved by some and so hated by others that he always seems to be the center of attention. No matter where I go or who I talk to, there are two extremes that I see. It’s this odd thing that puts the in-betweens in the extreme minority.

On one end, there are people who I’m convinced would assassinate Trump if given the chance. The funny thing is, for people who hate him so much, he sure occupies an awful lot of their thoughts, attention, and energy. They are so blinded by their hatred of him that they will believe every crazy thing he’s accused of and deny all evidence to the contrary.

This blindness is so dense, that it also extends to the one who appears to be the only alternative to Trump. It’s a fog before the eyes of the Trump-haters so thick that they refuse to see that we have a sitting president who is not fit for the office. This has become abundantly clear, regardless of your opinion on the issues surrounding Hunter Biden, or classified documents, or even President Biden’s general performance. The only ones who are saying that Joe Biden is in any way mentally capable of running this country, are either living in utter denial or they are supporting lies and sputtering talking points designed to delay the inevitable while Mr. Biden’s party sets up a stand-in who they hope can beat Trump in November.

Then on the other end are the Trump worshippers who’s love for him blinds them to his every flaw. I have been absolutely flabbergasted by the Christian people who claim to believe in compassion, kindness and loving your enemy, but will justify every harsh word, every nasty name, and every instance of bullying.

Christians, our unconditional support for Donald Trump in everything he says and does is damaging the cause of Christ and dividing our nation. We criticize the mob mentality that we perceive on the left, but the only reason Trump has become the conservative pick is because the conservative mob has elevated him to that status. “He’s the only one who can win,” many are saying. But why? It’s not like there are “Trump Democrats”. There would be better conservative options, if conservatives would quit settling.  

So, if not Trump, then who? The sad fact is that if there is a BEST PICK, we won’t get that person because too many people are sold on the narcissist. But then again, the election process and the people who are REALLY in charge are so corrupt at this point, I doubt it really matters anymore.

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