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February 19, 2023: It’s finally complete and live at

UPDATE January 31, 2023: Here we are on the last day of January and I am not yet ready to publish. The good news is that I have all the manuscrpts back from the proofreaders. I am currently giving it one last read-through before polishing up the cover and uploading. Should be another week or two at most, but we’re making progress!

UPDATE: The novel is still in the proofreading stage, but I’m still hoping to publish sometime before the end of January.

I know. It’s been a couple of years! Where have we been?! Life/COVID happens. Thankfully, I have yet to experience COVID personally. Though my family has experienced much loss in the past couple of years, due to COVID and other tragedies, God is still God and God is still good!

I am thrilled to announce that I have finally completed the first draft of the novel that I have been working on for longer than I can say. Here’s a look at the cover, including synopsis and my bio. This project is currently undergoing proofreading, revisions, edits, formatting and all the other stuff that comes with prepping a book for self publishing.

I will keep you posted!

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